Sunday, January 29, 2012

Flexibility is that really necessary??

Flexibility is that necessary??

I think so yes. I just had an occasion to travel to my native place in a train. For almost past 2 to 3 years i am used to travelling in 3 tier ac and bus but, after such a long span of time i was travelling in sleeper class of the train. Frankly speaking i was not at all comfortable with me travelling in sleeper class of train because of the traffic of the people there. Basically the fear was because of the reason, that i was less flexible then. But, after spending almost 2 to 3 hours there, i realized that is it so mean on the part of me sitting and thinking about my bad luck of not getting tickets to 3 tier ac. But anyways, bolte hai na “Jo hota hai ache k liye hi hota hai”, so thanks to the great Indian Railways and hopefully to Railway Minister that, i have got sleeper tickets so that i can understand the meaning and importance of being flexible. Now as journey progressed I started enjoying it really well. The journey was awesome and believe me it was better than my journey which I always use to do in AC class. On that day I realized that we have to remain kid in most of our situation in life, because kids do adjust in all surrounding without regretting or cursing anything and I have seen the fact in the train itself. In that journey I saw a sweet kid roaming here and there just trying to enjoying his stay in train. He was really jumping around, hanging and shaking hands with unknown people and greeting them in his own language. But he was just happy and totally unaware or not at all worrying about the fact that the train compartment was congested and there were unknown people all around. He was just trying to enjoy in his own way, which I think he does normally everywhere. But ultimately I thanks to that kid that, I really enjoyed my journey and he really taught me the meaning of being flexible and being adjustable in all situation of life.

I just wanted to share a little advice which was once explained to me by my sister (Ami Jain),

To be successful..

To be respected..

To live happily..

It is necessary to be flexible...

Some says life is a race..

Some says life is a game..

Some says life is love..

What i believe life is a challenge..

With lots of ups and downs..

To meet those challenges...

It is necessary to be flexible..

To move with flow of river..

To keep Pace with the circumstances...

One with outward courage dares to die...

But with inward courage dares to live...

To live dis beautiful life and make it worthwhile...

It is necessary to be flexible....

At last I can say that Flexibility here doesn’t mean to keep your body flexible but to keep your mind flexible or rather adjustable with circumstances….

“”Be enjoyable to enjoy life””